Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Destruction Porn

“In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.” - Ernst Fischer

Decay seems so Un-American.

Blow it up. Set it on fire. Roll it down a hill then jump out and just to watch what happens. We like a firm period or an exclamation point, or both, but no dot dot dot's, please. The Big Finish. The Climax. Armageddon as an ongoing narrative, a kind of cultural cum shot that we are told is necessary to ensure viability in the market place.

Having an ongoing tantric co-awareness won't generate web traffic, see. Trancendental for the participants, perhaps, but not a spectator event, really.

Resolution of a drama, I think, underlies the apocalyptic fetish. Like a rudementary impulse that springs forth from feelings of inequality, be they rooted in race, economics, class, intelligence, or other. A desire for a leveling. A prayer that life will favor the humble, or rescue the victimized, destroy the opressors.

After indulging the initial thought impulse of the lash, imagination can take hold and offer up more creative solutions than the destruct-o-rama. I think that the choice between awaiting some indefinite destruction, and forging ahead in a shared creative endeavor, is a simple one, at least for me.

1 comment:

  1. Something I wrote last January, but neglected to post it. Seemed timely now.
